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Damascus Community Mobility


You Can't Fake Compassion. 


persons and families served by Damascus Reentry since 2015


Damascus regional employment partners in Ohio and Kentucky 


billion U.S. annual tax savings when we reduce reincarceration by 30%

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When individuals are empowered to pursue economic growth and are equipped to improve their social well-being, they pay that forward. Healthy individuals translate to strong families and thriving communities. That's what Damascus was created to impact.


Damascus catalyzes men and women to pick their best life. By working with and walking alongside both incarcerated individuals who are returning to society and those in recovery who are managing their addictions, Damascus provides the tools and social support that impact the gaps between success post-release and a return to incarceration. We do this by building relationships with people inside correctional facilities and accompanying them in the transition home. Blighted communities, broken families, and reincarceration are economy busters. Empowered, motivated, and educated individuals can transform a region.




There are many reasons that individuals and families remain stuck in under resourced lives. Damascus tackles some of the larger gaps in order to keep people moving forward.


Reentry Continuum.

Utilizing evidence-based approaches and years of experience studying and working inside the prison system, Damascus offers practical programs for individuals within two years of release to address the hurdles associated with reintegrating into society. Our research partners have vested interest in determining the most effective methods to (re)integrate men and women into successful lives. The Damascus Team stays with individuals as they are released from incarceration and provides a number of services that close the gaps. For more information on Damascus Correctional Programming, click here.


Community Partners.

Damascus works closely with various halfway house partners, jails, sober-living facilities, and experts in the region who care about finding real solutions to poverty and incarceration. Since 2015, Damascus has placed over 5,000 individuals into the workforce directly from a partner facility.


Transportation Options.

Long a barrier to rebuilding a life, transportation is provided FREE to all Damascus workers. Damascus continues to build its fleet, its employment partners, and its routes in order to get more people into the workforce and into permanent, full-time employment. For more information about Damascus Workforce Solutions, click here.


A Reliable Community.

Through and above it all, Damascus gives back what we've been given: a sense of belonging and membership in something bigger than ourselves. Damascus Reentry Graduates and Workers are lifelong team members, with infinite do-overs to live a life that builds themself, their family, and their community. Damascus is a 24/7 operation--because that is when life happens.

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Phone: (513) 954-8941

Office hours: 9am - 5pm Mon-Fri

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